Thursday, May 31, 2007

Endpoint Catalog Application Block

add a <section> node to the <configSections>

<section name="Endpoints" type="Microsoft.Practices.SmartClient.EndpointCatalog.Configuration.EndpointSection, Microsoft.Practices.SmartClient.EndpointCatalog" />

Create the application block configuration section

<add Name="WebService1" Address="" UserName="default-user-name" Password="default-password" Domain="default-domain">

create a new EndpointCatalog and add it to a WorkItem
using Microsoft.Practices.SmartClient.EndpointCatalog;
using System.Net;

// Specify the section name in the configuration file.

IEndpointCatalogFactory catalogFactory = new EndpointCatalogFactory("Endpoints");

IEndpointCatalog catalog = catalogFactory.CreateCatalog();

Getting an Endpoint Catalog Instance from a WorkItem

Method 1:
public class MyNewClass
private EndpointCatalog catalog;

public MyNewClass([ServiceDependency] EndpointCatalog catalog)
this.catalog = catalog;
Method 2:
public class MyNewClass
private EndpointCatalog catalog;

public EndpointCatalog EndpointCatalog
get { return this.catalog; }
set { this.catalog = value; }
Method 3:
public class MyNewClass
private EndpointCatalog catalog;

public MyNewClass()
this.catalog = myWorkItem.Services.Get<EndpointCatalog>();

Listing and Getting Information about Endpoints

To check whether an endpoint exists
String epName = "MyWebServiceEndpoint";
if (catalog.EndpointExists(epName))
// Endpoint named MyWebServiceEndpoint does exist in the catalog.

To get information about an endpoint
// Get the number of endpoints in the catalog.
int endpointCount = catalog.Count;
// Get the address for an endpoint if it exists.
String epName = "MyWebServiceEndpoint";
String epNetworkName = "MyHost";
if (catalog.AddressExistsForEndpoint(epName, epNetworkName))
String epAddress
= catalog.GetAddressForEndpoint(epName, epNetworkName);
// Get the credentials for this endpoint.
NetworkCredential epCredentials
= catalog.GetCredentialForEndpoint(epName, epNetworkName);
String epUsername = epCredentials.UserName;

String epPassword = epCredentials.Password;
String epDomain = epCredentials.Domain;

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