add a <section> node to the <configSections>
<configSections>To use the Connection manager Application Block,
<section name="ConnectionMonitor" type="Microsoft.Practices.SmartClient.ConnectionMonitor.Configuration.ConnectionSettingsSection, Microsoft.Practices.SmartClient.ConnectionMonitor" />
Add configuration information to the application configuration file.
It defines the logical networks and physical network adapters that you want to monitor.
<add Name="Intranet" Address="http://contoso"/>
<add Name="Internet" Address=""/>
<add Type="WiredConnection" Price="1"/>
Instantiate the ConnectionMonitor service and store it in a WorkItem
Call the static CreateFromConfiguration method of the ConnectionMonitorFactory class.
// Use the default section name "ConnectionMonitor."
ConnectionMonitor sampleMonitor
= ConnectionMonitorFactory.CreateFromConfiguration();
// Instead, you can specify the section name in the configuration file.
String configurationName = "SampleConnectionSection";
ConnectionMonitor sampleMonitor
= ConnectionMonitorFactory.CreateFromConfiguration(configurationName);
Add the ConnectionMonitor instance to the Services collection of your WorkItem
if (sampleMonitor.Connections.Contains("Internet"))
// Check the connection status.
Connection conn = sampleMonitor.Connections["Internet"];
if (!conn.IsConnected)
Get a reference to the Connection Monitor service from another class
- use a [ServiceDependency] attribute on a parameter of the class constructor to accept an injected reference
public class MyNewClass
private ConnectionMonitor sampleMonitor;
public MyNewClass([ServiceDependency] ConnectionMonitor cm)
this.sampleMonitor = cm;
} - Expose a public property for the ConnectionMonitor
public class MyNewClass
private ConnectionMonitor sampleMonitor;
public ConnectionMonitor ConnectionMonitor
get { return this.sampleMonitor; }
set { this.sampleMonitor = value; }
} - Query the Services collection of the WorkItem to obtain a reference to the service
public class MyNewClass
private ConnectionMonitor sampleMonitor;
public MyNewClass();
this.sampleMonitor = myWorkItem.Services.Get<ConnectionMonitor>();
Detect and handle changes to networks and connectivity
1. Connect your event handler to the StateChanged event of the Connection or Network
conn.StateChanged += StateChangeHandler;2. Network and the Connection classes both raise a StateChanged event when their state changes.
netwk.StateChanged += StateChangeHandler;
public void StateChangeHandler(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsConnected)
{ MessageBox.Show("Now connected"); }
3. The Connection class exposes a method named UpdateStatus that you can call to raise the StateChanged event and obtain information through your event handler on the connectivity status
Creating Connections and Networks.
Create a new connection instance
// Create a new NicConnection instance.Use the Add method of the ConnectionCollection class
NicConnection conn = new NicConnection("NicConnection", 6);
// Add it to the ConnectionMonitor Connections collection.It can also use the other methods of the KeyedCollection and Collection classes to check for the presence of a specific connection
// See if a connection named Internet exists.
if (sampleMonitor.Connections.Contains("Internet"))
// Check the connection status.
Connection conn = sampleMonitor.Connections["Internet"];
if (!conn.IsConnected)
// Display the price and remove it from the Connections collection.
MessageBox.Show("Removing connection with price "
+ conn.Price.ToString());
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