Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Creating Connections and Networks

To create a new connection instance, call the constructor of the appropriate concrete class and specify the name and the price for this connection.
// Create a new NicConnection instance.
NicConnection conn = new NicConnection("NicConnection", 6);
Use the Add method of the ConnectionCollection class
// Add it to the ConnectionMonitor Connections collection.

You can also use the other methods of the KeyedCollection and Collection classes (from which the ConnectionCollection class inherits) to check for the presence of a specific connection, get a reference to it, and remove it from the ConnectionCollection.

// See if a connection named Internet exists.
if (sampleMonitor.Connections.Contains("Internet"))
// Check the connection status.
Connection conn = sampleMonitor.Connections["Internet"];
if (!conn.IsConnected)
// Display the price and remove it from the Connections collection.
MessageBox.Show("Removing connection with price "
+ conn.Price.ToString());
The same principles apply to the Network and NetworkCollection classes. You create a new Network instance by specifying the name in a call to the constructor.
Network network = new Network("Intranet", "http://intranet");
Then you add it to the NetworkCollection using the Add method.
You also use the same methods and properties of the underlying KeyedCollection and Collection classes to manipulate the collection of Network instances.
// See if a network named Internet exists.
if (sampleMonitor.Networks.Contains("Intranet"))
// Check connection status.
Network netwk = sampleMonitor.Networks["Intranet"];
if (!netwk.Connected)
// Remove the network from the Networks collection.

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