public class MyApplication : FormShellApplication<WorkItem, MyShellForm>
public static void Main()
new MyApplication.Run();
override the AfterShellCreated method
protected override void AfterShellCreated()
... your start-up code here ...
display a SmartPart in a Workspace
Form1 mainForm = new Form1();
CustomerSmartPart sp = myWorkItem.Items.AddNew<CustomerSmartPart>();
create a workitem
- create a class inherit from Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.WorkItem.
- override the OnRunStarted method. In this method, add code to perform an initialization required and to display the appropriate view.
protected override void OnRunStarted()
SummaryView view = this.Items.AddNew<SummaryView>();
Invoke a WorkItem
Inject state into child SmartParts in a child WorkItem
steps1: In the parent WorkItem, set the state so that adding a child WorkItem to the container injects the state into it
public void ShowCustomerDetails(Customer custmr)steps2: In the child WorkItem, use the State attribute to indicate that a parent WorkItem should inject the property into the child WorkItem.
// set state for injection into child WorkItem
State["Customer"] = custmr;
ChildWorkItem myChild = this.WorkItems.AddNew<ChildWorkItem>();
// in child WorkItem
public Customer TheCustomer
get { return (Customer)State["Customer"]; }
set { State["Customer"] = value; }
RootWorkItem.UIExtensionSites.RegisterSite("MainMenu", Shell.MainMenuStrip);
ToolStripMenuItem item = null;
item = new ToolStripMenuItem("Name");
[CommandHandler("ShowName")]associate a Command with a UIElement
public void ShowName(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("My name is Joe");
MyWorkItem.Commands["ShowName"].AddInvoker(item, "Click");
add a service by specifying it in the shell application configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="CompositeUI"
allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" />
<!-- Other services -->
<add serviceType="MyApp.Services.IMyService, MyApp"
instanceType="MyApp.Services.MyService, MyApp"/>
to add a service programmatically
1. to use an existing service instance already created.
2. to create a new instance of a service
Register a class as a service using attribute.
[Service(typeof(IMyService))]Services that do not provide different implementations may not implement an interface
public class MyService : IMyService
public class MyService
declare a class to be registered as a lazy-loaded service.
[Service(typeof(IMyService), AddOnDemand=true)]
public class MyService : IMyService
steps1 : Create a module
steps2 : Create a module initializer
steps3 : add dependencies to the module
steps4 : load a module
Create a module
- create a new class library or Windows control library project
- add reference to Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI and Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder
- add a module attribute to identify this as a module.
- [assembly: Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.Module("mainMod")] in AssemblyInfo.cs
Create a module Initializer
- create a new public class
- inherit from Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.ModuleInit class.
- you can override the AddServices method
- you can override the Load method
put following in either in the ModuleInit or AssemblyInfo.cs
[assembly: Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.ModuleDependency(load a module
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SolutionProfile xmlns="">
<ModuleInfo AssemblyFile="Mod1.dll"/>
<ModuleInfo AssemblyFile="Mod2.dll"/>
creating reference to services
IMyService myServ = (IMyService)myWorkItem.Services.Get(typeof(IMyService));declaratively
// or using generics
IMyService myServ = myWorkItem.Services.Get<IMyService>();
private IMyService service;
public IMyService MyService
set { service = value; }
creating Custom Services
steps1: add a new interface to an appropriate module.
steps2: add members that the interface will define.
steps3: add a new class to the module or the shell.
steps4: inherit from the interface and add required functionality to the members.
steps5: add the attribute like following
public class MyService : IMyService
steps1: add a user control to project
steps2: add a reference to the Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.SmartParts
steps3: add the attribute as following
[SmartPart]display a SmartPart in a Workspace
public partial class MySmartPart : UserControl
public class MyWorkItem : WorkItemimplement the MVC pattern
protected override void OnRunStarted()
CustomerSmartPart csp = this.SmartParts.AddNew<CustomerSmartPart>();
protected override void OnRunStarted()Publishing Events
SampleView view = this.Items.AddNew<SampleView>();
[EventPublication("event://UpdatesAvailable", PublicationScope.Global)]Subscribing to Events
public event SomeEventHandler UpdatesAvailable;
public void NewUpdates(object sender, SomeEventArgs numUpdates)
MessageBox.Show(numUpdates.ToString(), "Updates available");
run an event on a background thread
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